On occasion I have a brilliant idea. Champagne Sunday definitely qualifies as brilliant.
I've decided that I don't need a "Special Occasion" to consume a beverage that is traditionally saved for "Special Occasions." While it's true that the Sparkling Wine I choose to drink is not "champagne," it is just as festive. There is still that magical pop and gorgeous mist that rolls over the bottle lip when you uncork it, and that is good enough for me. Besides, Sparkling Wine Sunday just doesn't have the same ring to it.
In addition to the sparkling wine, my Champagne Sunday also includes a culinary adventure. Last week I delved into something new and exciting in my baked goods: Chocolate Cake coated in Chocolate Genache and sprinkled with Powdered Sugar...it was delicious. This week I played it a bit safer and went with an old family favorite of mine: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, and Sweet Corn. Dani added a delicious Cranberry Salad. Oh yes, dinner was lovely.
For dessert I tried my hand at Chocolate Coated Pears. While the flavor of these little darlings was pretty good, I think they need a bit more work before they are presentable to anyone other than my most gracious testers, Mister Patrick and Miss Dani (Thanks, kids. Mucho hugs for putting up with my new obsession).
All in all, this weeks culinary endeavors were judged a palatable success.
And most importantly, I had SO much fun!